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SAT Reports


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User Help Document for System Infrastructure Definitions Module Reports

1.System Infrastructure Definitions Module Reports

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Reports

It is the menu where all reports related to the System Infrastructure Definitions Module are accessed and these reports are displayed in excel format. These reports are not modular based, but are related to the general system.

1.1.Bsat Changes Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Reports/ Bsat Changes Report

It provides information about the status of users when the HR transfer program is used. In this report, it is kept how the data of the personnel is updated with the HR transfer and what kind of data they have beforehand. It is a report that can be followed up on issues such as active or passive features, leaving the job, department change, position change, etc. It is the report used to reach the information about what change occurred in the personnel taken to the company on which date and on which date. With this report, information is obtained about when the personnel left the job, in which department they made a change if the department made a change, if they made a change of position, which position they had, and when the change was made about the new situation. The Bsat Change Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

Filter tab A report is obtained by searching based on the information of fields such as Date range, Registration number, First name, Last name, Old value, New value, and Changed field. In the Filter tab, by typing "Quit a job" in the Changing Field section(Search) button is clicked.

The registration number of the employee who has left the job, the information is the name-surname information, the status is active in the old value field, the status is now inactive in the new value field and the transfer date information is reached.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates a Bsat Changes Report according to the "Changing area" filter criterion and presents it to the user in Excel format.

In the Filter tab, by typing "Department" information in the Changing Area section(Search) button is searched by search criteria.

In the report, the registration number information of the personnel whose department changes are made is given in the registration number field and the name and surname of the personnel who made the department change are given in the field. In the Old Value field, the department information where the old department is located is indicated by giving the code of the Department. In the new value field, the information of the department where he started to work is indicated in the same way by giving the department code information. In the transfer information, the Department is informed about the date of the change.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates a Bsat Changes Report according to the "Changing field" search criteria and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.2.Log Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Reports/ Log Report

The Record Log report is the report that records the process of recording each operation performed in Qdms Modules in which table, with which codes and by whom it was changed. The record log information is obtained from whom the report was deleted or updated from which any data deletion or update operation was made. This report is used, for example, to obtain information about when any data was deleted, by whom it was deleted, and when it was deleted. The Logging Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Shows the detail information of the transaction.

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

On the Filter tab, the report is obtained by searching according to the information of fields such as Module name, Table name, Main code, Sub code, Performing operation user and Running Date. By selecting the System Infrastructure Definitions Module in the Module Name field to view each operation related to the System Infrastructure Definitions module in the list tab and by whom it was changed in which table, with which codes, and by whom(Search) button is clicked.

On the List tab, the fields such as Table name, Main Code, Alt code, Parameter values related to the System Infrastructure Module and the date of the change in these fields by whom and when the work was done are reached.

Clicking the Compare button opens the detailed information of the operation performed.

On the screen that opens, the old value of the domain name information and the current value of the information are compared.

If the Export to Excel button is clicked, the system automatically generates a Log Report and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.3.Active User Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Reports/ Active User Report

It is a report that shows how many users have performed operations in total in which module. When the relevant module is selected in the Module No field, it is accessed which functions of the module and how many users have actively used it. The Active User Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

The report is obtained by searching according to the information of the Filter tab Module No, Operation Date and Status fields. By selecting the Corrective and Preventive Actions Module in the Module No field and selecting the date in the transaction date field(Search) button is clicked.

The number of active users using the module's functions in the selected date range related to the Corrective and Preventive Actions Module selected in the List tab is informed. For example, in the Corrective and Preventive activities module in the Report, the number of active users using the Action Execution function is displayed as 3.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates an Active User Report in the Corrective and Preventive Actions Module and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.4.QDMS Usage Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Reports/ QDMS Usage Report

It is the report where the number of entries to QDMS on the basis of users is kept. It is the report used to access the last login date and time information of how many times the users have logged in to the system. The Qdms Usage Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

Filter tab A report is obtained by searching according to the information of fields such as Transaction Date, Registration number, Name, Surname, Department. By selecting "IT Department" in the Department field! Click the (search) button.

Users who are in the IT department are displayed in the Qdms entry count information, last entry date and time information report on the list tab.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates a Qdms usage Report in the filtering according to the Department field and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.5.User Entitlements Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Reports/ User Entitlements Report

It is the menu where the report of which user group the personnel defined in QDMS have which authority, which module they can access which menu is taken. It is a report that can see which user has how much authority in which module. It is a report used to find out which personnel can reach where in Qdms and which menu they can see. The User Privileges report is used to help system administrators keep track of which menus a user is authorized to access. It is a report that is used in critical situations such as data loss. The User Entitlements Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

By means of the buttons on the screen;

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

On the Filter tab, a report is obtained by searching according to the information of fields such as Authority Group, User Group, User Name and Module. In the Filter tab, by selecting Document Management as Module and Personnel from the Staff List in the Username field! Click the (search) button.

Information about which user group the user is connected to, authorization group information, which menus can be accessed in the authorization type field of the System Infrastructure Definitions and Integrated Management System sections in the Document Management module are accessed.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically creates a User Permissions Report in which the selected user is authorized to see which menus in the Document Management Module and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.6.Mail Report

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Reports/ Mail Report

It is the menu where the report of the e-mails sent on the basis of modules is received. Qdms is a report that reaches information such as which mail has been sent in which module, the content of the mail, the date of creation of the mail, the mail field. It is a report used to follow up the e-mails sent by the customers. Mail Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, the filter tab is filtered according to the desired criteria and the reports received are listed.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: The content of the sent e-mails is opened.

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

The report is obtained by searching according to the information of the Filter tab, Modules, Subject, Mail Sender, Mail field, Date Created, Status and Additional File fields. By selecting the Document Operations Module in the Modules Field section(Search) button is clicked.

In the List tab, the report of information such as the subject of the mails sent, the send mail information, the mail field information, the mail creation date related to the Document Operations module is received.

With the View button, the content of the sent mails selected in the list is opened and the detailed information is accessed.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically creates a Mail Report for the Document Operations Module and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.7.QDMS Introduction Report

It is the report showing these logs when the relevant user has logged in to the system and through which IP. The Qdms Input Report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the List and Filter tabs. In the List tab, it is ensured that the reports received are listed when filtering according to the desired criteria in the filter tab.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

The Filter tab is searched according to the information of fields such as Transaction Date, IP address, Registration No., Name, Last Name, Title, Department and Workplace. In the Filter tab, by selecting "IT Department" in the department field! The ( search) button is clicked.

The report of the users in the Information Technologies department is displayed in the list tab of the information about when the system has logged in, which IP has logged in.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates a Qdms Input Report according to the Department field filter and presents it to the user in Excel format.

1.8.Personnel Files

This is the report that lists the additional files that the personnel in the system have uploaded to the system and can access. The report lists additional files that are added to the employees working in the company. It is a report made in order to access the additional files added on the personnel from a single screen. Additional files belonging to the personnel are loaded on the Personnel Identification-Additional Information- Registration Update screen, which is opened by clicking the Additional Information button in the System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/Definitions/Personnel Identification menu. This is a report in which the uploaded Additional Files belonging to the personnel are accessed and listed. For example, files such as Cv, Criminal record of the personnel are accessed from the Personnel Files report. It is a report used to access the Personal Files containing special information about the personnel working in the company. It is also a report used to see which personnel have uploaded which additional file to the system.

The Personnel Files report consists of two tabs. These tabs are the Additional File and Filter tabs. In the Additional Files tab, the filter tab searches the desired criteria according to the registration number, name and surname information. In the Additional files tab, by selecting the folder with the names of the staff(search) button is clicked to list additional uploaded files belonging to the personnel.

Clicking the link in the File name section of the additional files listed displays the contents of the additional file.

If the Export to Excel button is pressed, the system automatically generates a Personnel Files Report and presents it to the user in Excel format.